A car repair expert in Springfield, IL, checks for a fluid leak from a vehicle that needs repair and maintenance.

Which Fluid is Leaking from Your Vehicle Based on Color?

We’ve all noticed a pool of liquid on the street or driveway and wondered what was wrong with our car. At Jack Stoldt Auto Center, we can help you diagnose and fix the problem before it causes a bigger problem. We’ve served the Springfield, IL area for over 40 years and are here to help. Here’s how you can determine what’s leaking from your vehicle.


Depending on the type of coolant in your vehicle, a leak can appear pink, green, or yellow. If you notice a coolant leak, you should bring your vehicle in for repairs at our shop in Springfield, IL. You don’t want to allow a radiator or cooling system leak to go untreated, as an overheated engine can damage critical parts of your engine and cost you a fortune to fix.

A concrete driveway with a transmission or power steering fluid leak from a vehicle in Springfield, IL, that needs repairs.Auto Transmission and Power Steering Fluid

Your transmission and power steering both use a type of hydraulic fluid that appears red in color. However, over time, it may brown due to the buildup of dirt and debris. In addition, transmission and power steering fluids are thinner and smell like burnt sugar or marshmallows.

Brake Fluid

The mechanics here at Jack Stoldt Auto Services Center advise extreme caution should you notice a brake fluid leak. You don’t want to get behind the wheel if there’s any chance that your brakes will fail on you. You can tell if it’s brake fluid on the ground by its light yellow color. Also, brake fluid is very slick, so you can touch it and see if it’s slippery for added confirmation.

Washer Fluid

Washer fluid is usually blue or green, and it’s not the end of the world if you notice a blue car fluid leak. You can still safely operate your car, but you’ll want to take care of the issue at our local auto repair shop in Springfield, IL.

A parked vehicle in a driveway in Springfield, IL, with a clear fluid coming from the bottom of a car that is most likely water.Water

Whenever you notice a clear fluid on the ground, it could be a false positive for a car leak. If the liquid is odorless, it’s water most of the time. If you’ve been running your air conditioner, condensation can build up and then leak onto the pavement. To make sure that it’s not an issue, test the smell. The only clear liquid that could leak from your car is gasoline, which has a distinct odor.


If the clear liquid you’ve noticed smells like gas, that’s what it is. This can indicate a fuel line problem or gas leaking from your engine block. You don’t want to wait to visit a car repair center when you notice a gas leak.


Oil is thick and golden when it’s new. Over time, it can darken to a golden brown or black when it becomes dirty. If you notice brown fluid coming from your vehicle, take it to your local mechanics to ensure it’s oil and get the necessary repair to get you back on the road.

Car Service Done Right

If you live in or near Springfield, IL, contact us today to schedule an appointment with Jack Stoldt Auto Services Center. You can also call us at 217.522.9113.

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