The brakes on your vehicle make stopping thousands of pounds of metal, rubber, and plastic seem simple. Unfortunately, the responsiveness of power brakes makes many of us take our brakes for granted until the brake pads fail. If you’ve waited until your brakes fail to change the brake pads, you’ve waited way too long. Not changing brake pads as soon as they go bad means your wheels could get damaged.
At Jack Stoldt Auto Services, we handle the maintenance of your brakes, so you don’t need to worry about them. Our company provides brake pad replacement and other automotive work in Springfield, IL, and surrounding areas. We also provide a list of tips if you want to change your brake pad. Remember, safety always comes first!
Listen to Your Brakes
Brake jobs are part of car maintenance and should be a regular checkup. Brake pads have a tiny metal scraper that makes the rotor squeak. This sound warns drivers it’s time to change brake pads. You can keep driving and wait. However, you risk damaging the rotors and needing major vehicle repair. The pads on brake pads contain a softer gripping material that pushes against the rotor. If you’re in the Springfield, IL area and aren’t sure if your brakes need to be inspected, bring your vehicle to Jack Stoldt Auto Services Center for brake checkup services.
Think Safety
Changing brake pads requires taking the wheels off and removing the caliper from the rotor, the part of the wheel that bolts to the rim. This means putting the car on jack stands. This isn’t a casual job, so be careful. Use only approved jacks and rest points on the chassis. Better still, contact Jack Stoldt Auto Services and let them change your brake pads in a safe place.
Take Pictures
Taking pictures before and during helps you put everything back together. You could be putting yourself and others in danger if not done correctly. Be sure to check and make sure you have the picture before you do something so you can reverse it. If you’re in the Springfield IL area, call Jack Stoldt Auto Services Center for a professional brake job.
Tips for Handling Brake Calipers
Once you get the vehicle on jack stands and remove the wheels, remove each caliper and move them off to the side. Keep them connected to the brake line, but don’t hang them from the brake line. Instead, use some string or wire to keep them away from the rotor as you move to the next one.
Make a Close Inspection
Changing brake pads is the best time to inspect all brake parts and lines. However, if you waited too long after hearing the squeak, you might have grooves in the rotor. This happens because the pads wear down to the metal fasteners. Ideally, you’ll want to take your vehicle to a mechanic shop to refinish the rotor surfaces.
Your Local Neighborhood Mechanic
For professional brake jobs and other car maintenance work, call Jack Stoldt Auto Services Center at 217.522.9113. In addition to changing brake pads, the mechanic shop does full engine repairs and overhauls.