Black car driving on snow-covered roads near mountains needing vehicle winterization services.

Springfield Illinois: Why You Should Winterize Your Vehicle This Season

While the wintertime is great for holiday festivities, it is not so great for the health of your vehicles. As a vehicle owner, it is important that you take extra safety precautions in the winter to avoid an accident – and that’s where we can help! At Jack Stoldt Auto Service in Springfield, IL we specialize in winterization services and car maintenance from snow tires and antifreeze, to battery and brake inspections. Don’t let your vehicle overwork itself this winter, call us today for expert vehicle winterizing services. Keep reading below to see why you should winterize your vehicle.

Woman in a grey coat and hat smiling and stepping out of her newly winterized vehicle. Winterizing Preserves Your Tires

One of the most important steps in winterizing your car is to inspect and replace your tires. If you just recently got new tires a few years ago, your current ones may still be in good shape, in which case getting them inspected and filled should still be apart of your winterizing agenda! If it has been a while since you last got new tires, we recommend getting them replaced to keep your vehicle safe on the road this winter. Cold weather affects everything from tire pressure to traction. Don’t wait until your car is in a ditch, call Jack Stoldt Auto Service in Springfield, IL for expert tire repair and replacement services.

It Saves You Money in the Long Run

Keeping your vehicle maintained throughout the winter not only ensures the safety of you and your family, but it prevents any costly damages that may have taken place in the future. Spending a small amount of money replacing your vehicle’s windshield wipers and antifreeze can help you save money on a potential accident due to lack of car maintenance.  Let our expert mechanics at Jack Stoldt Auto Service help you keep your vehicle in great condition this winter with affordable winterization services.

Ensures the Health of Your Car’s Battery

Have you ever been in a situation where you tried to start your vehicle and it just wouldn’t turn over? Believe it or not, dead batteries are one of the most common occurrences in the wintertime due to harsh weather conditions that quickly drain your vehicle’s battery. In order to determine if your battery is safe this winter, carefully remove the top of the battery and check the fluid level (instructions in your owner’s manual). If your battery fluid is love, it may be time to invest in a new battery. Bring your vehicle into Jack Stoldt’s Auto Service today for quality battery recharging and replacement services from the best car maintenance mechanics in Springfield, IL.

Don’t Forget A Safety KitVehicle winter safety kit including a spare tire, tire pump, first aid kit, caution sign, fire extinguisher, and more

If your vehicle does not already have a safety kit, make sure to pick one up at your local auto shop this winter in case of any emergency. Your safety kit should include first aid supplies, blankets, non-perishable foods, water, flashlights, jumper cables, spare tire, ice scraper, and any other tool or accessory designed to provide relief in the event of an accident or emergency.

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